SI UN Representative in New York, Marie D’Amato-Rizzi, urges Soroptimists to encourage their governments to ratify the International Labour Organisation’s ‘Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (C190)‘.

“On June 21, 2019, delegates at the Centenary International Labour Conference adopted a new Convention and accompanying Recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the workplace.  C190 establishes new international labour standards to protect workers and employees.  It is a global treaty that must now be ratified by Member States.  C190 will become effective 12 months after two member States have ratified it. The Recommendation is not legally binding but provides guidelines on how C190 could be applied.

C190 takes a holistic approach to workplace violence and harassment, one that goes beyond criminal law, and would include anti-discrimination laws, etc.

  • It defines who is a worker; including volunteers, those who have been terminated, those seeking employment, etc.
  • It defines what is a workplace; including commuting space, third party harassment, etc.
  • It calls for preventive measures for high-risk workers such as those working at night, in the hospitality industry, etc.
  • It outlines complaint procedures.
  • It requires employers to have policies and to take measures.
  • It addresses the special needs of domestic violence victims such as the need for paid leave to attend court hearings or to flee from their homes for safety reasons.


The entire text of C190 can be found HERE, and the accompanying recommendations can be found HERE.

September 26, 2019, UN General Assembly. Representatives of governments, workers, employers, foundations, civil society, and other stakeholders gathered together at the United Nations General Assembly at a high-level breakfast meeting, to urge Member States to ratify the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (No. 190). Please support the ratification of C190 in your country.”

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