CSW62 Opening Session

As the spotlight falls on rural women and girls during the Commission on the Status of Women 2018, focus turns to critical issues such as ensuring adequate living standards, food and nutrition, access to land, technology, education, health, and ending all forms of violence and harmful practices. UN Women Executive

International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM

A blog by Dr. Nina Smart from Soroptimist Club Camino Real Region, California. "Female Genital Mutilation - FGM - is a global issue that continues to present challenges for Soroptimists when attempting to improve the lives of women and girls. Though a difficult subject to discuss, it is important that we face the

Soroptimists Working to End Modern Day Slavery

A blog by SIA President, Dawn Marie Lemonds and Past International President, Alice Wells. "The 3rd Biennial Southwest Conference Against Trafficking (SWCAT), was held in Ontario California, from 11 - 13 January 2018. Three days were shared by over 200 conference participants from 8 states in USA and two countries

Peace Day 2017: Together for Peace

A reflection by Soroptimist International Moreton North Inc. member and peace activist Sarah Cowley Wow, what a year! Peace Day 2017 was an absolute hoot full of hard work, dedication, inspiring young leaders and committed global citizens. I feel fortunate to have presented the Peace Crane project , which I


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