If Rio+20 Is To Deliver, Accountability Must Be At Its Heart

Press Release: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights In an open letter to world Governments, a group of 22 UN independent human rights experts called on States to incorporate universally agreed international human rights norms and standards with strong accountability mechanisms into the UN Rio+20 sustainable development conference’s

SI of Los Angeles Celebrates 90 Years!

This week's SoroptiVoice blog comes from Julie Mairs of SI Los Angeles (SIA). This year, her club celebrates 90 years! As the third Soroptimist club ever, chartered in 1922,  they certainly have a lot to celebrate! I am sure you will all join with SIHQ in sending the club many

Looking Back – Women and Law in Italy

The Collegio Romano is a prestigious institution in the heart of Rome. It was founded in the middle of the 16th century by Ignatius of Loyola, who came from Spain with the ideal to bring education to the world. It was a “men only” institution. In the 21st century, on

Report from the 55th Commission on Narcotic Drugs

SI UN Vienna Representatives, Roswitha Benesch and Martina Gredler, report back from the 55th Commission on Narcatic Drugs 12-16th March, 2012. In his opening speech at the 55th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), called for a real balance

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Where Have You Been?

International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe represented Soroptimist International at a reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II. This reception was held in celebration of Commonwealth Day (March 14th) and Her Majesty's diamond jubilee. She reports back from an eventful evening, plus a brief history lesson! “Pussy cat, pussy cat where have

UNESCO: Placing Humanity at the Heart of Development

Have you ever wondered what role UNESCO plays? Here, SI UNESCO Representatives Marie Christine De La Barbelais and Dominique Mertz report back from the 36th UNESCO Conference where the role and achievements of UNESCO in 2011 were reviewed: This was the title of the opening statement to the 36th UNESCO

SI Address Ministers for Environment at Nairobi Meetings

Last week, SI UN Representatives Alice Odingo and Rose Mwangi attended a series of meetings at the UN Environmental Programme  (UNEP) in Nairobi. Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF): 18-19th February SI attended the second day of the meeting.  A great deal of discussion centred on Rio+20 and how


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