International Women's Day 2012

Message from International President Alice Wells: Each year around the world, International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8. Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. In fact, International Women's Day has been observed since

CSW Blog Special!

Wow - it is now one year since we launched the SoroptiVoice Blog at CSW 55! And now we are back again, reporting live from CSW 56! Thank you to our team of Soroptimist delegates who will be keeping us up to date with all the latest news from New

UNESCO: Placing Humanity at the Heart of Development

Have you ever wondered what role UNESCO plays? Here, SI UNESCO Representatives Marie Christine De La Barbelais and Dominique Mertz report back from the 36th UNESCO Conference where the role and achievements of UNESCO in 2011 were reviewed: This was the title of the opening statement to the 36th UNESCO

Soroptimists Against Trafficking: A Dream Turned into Reality!

This week’s SoroptiVoice blog comes from Michelle Bart, President of Soroptimist International of Southwest Washington and the Northwest Conference Against Trafficking & Film Festival Chairperson. January 2012, as proclaimed by President Barack Obama, was National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and February 1 is observed as National Freedom Day,

Advocacy Kit for CSW 56 Launched!

Soroptimist International has launched the CSW 56 pre-session advocacy tool kit. This tool kit is designed to help Soroptimists in all 124 countries lobby their Goverments and local decision makers to ensure that all Government missions attending CSW 56 are aware of SI's position. What is CSW? The Commission on

Are you a Guerilla Gardener? Could you be? Read on…

Throughout December, we are delighted to welcome SI leadership to the SoroptiVoice blog spot! This week, SIE President Kathy explains why she selected water and food as the theme for her presidency, and shares the phenomenon of 'guerilla gardening'... coming to an urban waste land near you! Next Friday, to

16 Ways to Say No to Violence Against Women

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign is an international campaign that began in 1991. From November 25th, the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the campaign calls on individuals and groups around the world to act to end all


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