Sustainable Development: For Who?

As the Rio+20 Earth Summit is held this month we can read and hear lots about ‘sustainable development’ from different perspectives.  But how many of us can actually relate to this terminology and know about the importance of discussions held in Rio to human existence on our planet?  SIE Programme

World Environment Day: June 5th

World Environment Day is only 2 weeks away. As the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) draws ever closer (June 20-22), the need to press our international decision makers to take decisive steps to ensure sustainable development, safeguard the environment and to promote equitable use of resources has never been

UN Crime Commission: The Forgotten Children

The SI UN Vienna Representatives report back from the UN Crime Commission The Forgotten Children   Many of the side events which took place during the recent session of the Crime Commission were on the children of incarcerated parents. These side events, together with the many papers that were presented,

Rio+20: An Urgent Call for Action

International Assistant Programme Director Anusha Santhirasthipam reports back from a week of meetings at the UN centre in New York, focussing on Rio+20 preparations and the policy asks of the Women's Major Stakeholder Group. “83 days to The Future We Want” says the countdown banner at the top of the official


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