International Club Friendship Day – President's Message October 3rd 2014

 Soroptimist International President Ann Garvie has urged Soroptimists to put friendship at the heart of their work for women and girls, emphasising the importance of Friendship Links between clubs. Each 3rd October, Soroptimist International celebrates the day that the very first Soroptimist Club was established in Oakland, California in 1921, now known as International Club Friendship Day. 

One of the most important things about Soroptimist International are the friendship links that we have with one another.

There are around 3,000 Soroptimist Clubs in 130 countries and territories. Clubs from different parts of the world  establish ‘Friendship Links’  with each other, allowing members to give advice, share experiences and generally support one another in a whole host of ways whilst developing friendships.

Read President Ann Garvie’s International Friendship Day Message below.

“Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t
walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend”
Albert Camus  

Friendship is a core value of being a Soroptimist within a
global family of more than 80,000 members and a value that we greatly cherish. Members of
Soroptimist International should celebrate International Friendship Day by
reflecting on current and past friendships and in particular Soroptimists
around the world should consider the true meaning of friendship and especially
their Club’s Friendship links.


“A friend is one who that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been, accepts what you have become and still, gently
allows you to grow” William Shakespeare  

pro-active are your Club’s Friendship Links?

What communications and
collaborative working do you undertake together to promote and achieve the
vision and mission of Soroptimist International –  Educate to Lead?







raise issues for thought, so take a moment today.

There is a need to consider what action can you take? What action can we collectively take as Soroptimists to bridge the divide, raise awareness, to regenerate, to cherish and sustain friendships?



Photo:  Left to right Immediate Past President of SI SW Pacific Siew Yong Gnanalingham, SI of SW Pacific Governance Committee Representative Leigh Ellwood-Brown, Past International Treasurer Anne Ainsworth, International President Ann Garvie – Waiting in the rain at the gates of Leeds Castle, on a social outing post 2014 board meeting

International Friendship Day we must put out a hand of friendship to old and
new friends without whom our lives would have little meaning. Let us all
celebrate our diversity of friendship today.


Have a wonderful day and spread the beauty
and wonder of friendship.

“True friendship is when you walk into their
house and your WiFi connects automatically!!





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