b'Villagers have been provided with education to better understand the link between climateResultschange, water and hygiene. The risks of child marriage and child exploitation on youngThe table below summarizes the results:girls and women have been explored, and the positive attributes of learning and educationActivities No. ofNo. of encouraged. A community-based skills surveyparticipants womenhighlighted a need for literacy classes, and basicCommunity awareness124 60finance training. Through education womenraisingand girls were empowered with opportunitiesAccess to water and for increased participation, and to take onsanitation 100 50leadership roles in WASH management, andWaste disposal 100 50to generate a revival of local and traditionalVocational training: business, increasing economic stability. Low levels of educational ability, meant that teachingAdult literacy 20 16utilised visual aids and storytelling, and questionTraining of weaving trainers 7and answer sessions ensured equal opportunity to learn, and increased understanding. FurtherOrganic farming 18learning covered topics such as health, waste management, sanitation, and family nutrition, and weaving workshops were established to increase opportunity for business.A train the trainers weaving course was25 families, (50 women), participated in developed and seven of the most experiencedawareness raising activities, in health, female weavers became highly skilled in the usehygiene, sanitation, and waste management.of yarn, colouring with natural dyes, the weaving25 toilets with bathing facilities were of fine cloth, of complex design, and the use ofdeveloped on land donated by the villagers, specific weaving equipment. A three-monthbenefiting 100 villagers.course with lessons conducted twice weeklyFour 1,500-litre water tanks were installed was followed by a monitoring programme, withabove ground level, so water flows down weavers sharing their skills with less experiencedeasily due to gravitation. women weavers.Household and village disposal systems were In partnership with the Titian Foundation,introduced to encourage better hygiene and (currently constructing a community centreenvironmental management practices. in the village to deliver extended training programmes), women were taught the basics of organic farming, with many going on to successfully grow their own corn and peas, and to plant seeds for their vegetable gardens, with a view to selling their produce at market. mmes, soroptimistinternational.org 19'