b'Case StudyCase Study Ivanka is a 2nd mandate Mayor of Sulitsa, and anPenka from Hristiyanovo, became a role model active participant in all activities implementedamongst the women of her village, using her by the project in Sulitsa. The knowledge andknowledge gained through the awareness experience she gained helped her betterraising and training programme to commence advocate at the Municipal Council for the needsthe building of a sanitation system at her home. of her village, and to meet the demand for aFor the first time in her lifetime, her family had new drainage system, which would preventan indoor flush toilet and shower.erosion from rain and melting snow. As a result, the municipality renovated the current system of drainage ditches in the village and Ivanka supervised the workers employed by the municipality, to ensure the quality objectives ofthe work were delivered. ConclusionSkills training opened doors to jobs andfrom the village of Kalitinovo), Soroptimists found career opportunities, establishing learningthat: The construction of alternative sanitation opportunities for entrepreneurship in small- solutions in the villages were highly appreciated; scale alternative sanitation. Although there isEcological and hygiene developments still much to be done to overcome the barrierallowed for sufficient wastewater treatment in of viewing water jobs as a predominantly malehouseholds, whilst improving the health and arena, WeWash awareness raising increasedgeneral wellbeing of families; and, inhabitants understanding of the valuable role of women asshowed 100% readiness to building the toilets experts and leaders in water, sanitation and foodif personal financial means allowed for this - all security programmes.signs of the significant impact of WeWash.Following a survey of 22 participants in the WeWash programme, (14 from Sulitsa, and 8 soroptimistinternational.org 16'