b'batik, on-line selling and buying, and business mentoringcapacity by the government to enforce the directive, Learning about safe water and sanitation - WeWash, Bulgariaand advice - empowering women and girls to createthose living in rural, dispersed communities need their own sustainable businesses and increase economicaffordable alternatives to help meet regulations. In Stara security for themselves and their families.Zagora, unemployed and retired women face multiple >>>challenges and barriers to safe water and sanitation WeWash is designed to provide immediate water and to opportunities for education. WeWash offers a and sanitation to households within rural communitiesmix of training programmes to empower women and in Bulgaria, whilst empowering and mobilising womengirls and create career opportunities - leadership and and girls to direct their own futures, know theircoaching programmes; alternative sanitation planning; rights, and to take on leadership and decision-makingconstruction and management; and the reuse of treated roles within their communities. Local Soroptimistwater and biological waste for natural agriculture.All Club Plovdiv, works closely with the Earth Foreverprogrammes empower women and girls and deliver new Foundation, monitoring and evaluating the WeWashskills so they may implement and monitor alternative Project throughout its lifecycle. There is vigoroussanitation projects in their communities, progress in development in the water and sanitation sector andtheir careers, and have opportunities to run small-scale due to Bulgarias low compliance rates with the Urbanwater and sanitation businesses. Waste Water Treatment Directive, together with limited9'