Brazil Must Act Now! The Case of Alyne da Silva Pimetel..

In August 2011, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) issued a ruling on the case of Alyne da Silva Pimetel v. Brazil, a poor Afro-Brazilian woman who was repeatedly denied quality medical care which resulted in her untimely death from what was a treatable

International Club Friendship Day 2012!

Back in 1921, Soroptimist International was first established in Oakland, California!  91 years on here we are today, with Soroptimist groups all over the world working together to transform the lives of women and girls. One of the most important things about Soroptimist International are the friendship links that we

Soroptimist International requests reaffirmation for women’s rights!

Many global women’s rights organisations, including Soroptimist International, as well as other non-governmental organisations working towards the achievement of women’s rights, have come together after a series of consultations, to arrive at several conclusions regarding a proposal to have a Fifth World Conference on Women or other commemoration of the

SI attends The Atomic Memorial Day – Commemorative Ceremony

It was 67 years ago when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was devastated, and three days later, on August 9, Nagasaki suffered the same fate. These two commemorative dates provide us with the opportunity to remember what happened, and to renew

Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone

Exacerbated by the rainy season, Sierra Leone's worst outbreak of cholera for 15 years has affected an estimated 32,000 people. The impact of the cholera outbreak on local communities has been devastating. Families have lost their loved ones; very young children have been left with no parents. Families have been

CEDAW Celebrates 30 years of work

For 30 years the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, comprised of 23 experts, has reviewed reports in consultation with governments and civil society to improve the lives of women and girls.  As Silvia Pimentel states, “Thanks to the work of the Committee and other stakeholders, not least

Exciting new developments for SI's website

It’s been a year and a half since we launched the new and improved website and we thought it was in need of a refresh! Over the last few months we have worked hard to update and brighten up our web pages making the site more user friendly and interactive.

Momentous Decision taken by Women Leaders at Cambridge

Senior decision makers of Soroptimist International, a global movement linking women across the world which seeks to transform the lives of women and girls through service, met this week in Cambridge, England. The Board members, drawn from across all continents to represent the four Federations who are members of Soroptimist

Rio + 20: What now?

The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro on 20-22 June 2012 brought together world leaders, government officials, and civil society and private sector representatives who sought the best ways to work towards achieving a global ‘green economy’, poverty eradication and sustainable development. Long before

AIDS Foundation Award to SI Denmark!

For many years the Union of Denmark has been supporting the Danish AIDS foundation. This work has now been recognised through a national award, presented on behalf of the Danish AIDS Foundation. This award celebrates and acknowledges their advocacy and awareness raising work.  Since 2004, Soroptimist International Denmark has been


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