b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political ForumRecommendationsThe following recommendations are based upon Soroptimist Internationals human rights-based work. All states should take action on these recommendations in order to realise the human rights of women and girls in their diversity and across the life course:Intersectional understandings of gender must be integrated into human rights frameworks to prevent gender considerations simply being treated as a programmatic add-on. Without an intersectional, human rights-based approach it will be impossible to achieve the 2030 Agenda, and gender equality efforts will continue to be less effective or even harmed. Sustainable development programmes should recognise and address the interconnections between the pillars of sustainable development and must adopt a human right-based approach to ensure success. Evaluatinghumanrightsoutcomesofsustainabledevelopmentprogrammesshouldbeusedfor monitoringandevaluatingthoseprogrammesandincludedwithinmonitoringandevaluation procedures. Progress measured by both qualitative and quantitative measures for human rights must be used as a marker of success for programmes.Governments, agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders should all work with communities and provide them with information to combat phenomenon that contribute to early, child and forced marriage, including FGM, bridal kidnapping, so-called marry-your-rapist-laws, trafficking, and other practices.Alternatives to child, early and forced marriage must be provided to ensure the eradication of these practices. This must include increasing educational and economic opportunities for women and girls, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to accessing education.Men and boys must also be engaged with as allies to achieve gender equality and to eliminate child, early and forced marriage.Effortstoeradicatepovertymustuseagender-transformativeapproach,recognisingthatpoverty eradicationeffortscancontributetotheachievementofotherSustainableDevelopmentGoals, including SDG5 on gender equality.The Trafficking of Women and Girls in IndonesiaAwareness, Advocacy and Action: Indonesia, SI JakartaThis project takes a multifaceted approach toSDG17onpartnerships forsustainable thechallengesfacingacommunity,anddevelopment. addressesthechallengesofsafesanitation facilities, child, early and force marriage, humanWhile working on their project Lombok Recovery: trafficking,genderequalityandeconomicWater,ShelterandCapacityBuilding,SIJakarta empowerment.Accordinglyitsupportstheobserved the serious social issue of child marriages. achievementofSDG1on eradicatingpoverty,Since 2019, they documented cases of girls under SDG4 on education, SDG5 on gender equality,the ages of 15 being kidnapped from the Rebuk Satu SDG6 on clean water and sanitation, SDG8 onvillage and being forced into marriage within weeks. decent work, SDG10 on reducing inequalities,Someofthegirlsidentifiedasbeingchildbrides SDG11 on sustainable communities, SDG16 onwereasyoungastwelve. Thispracticeofbridal peace,justiceandstronginstitutions,andkidnapping is now widely recognised to be a form32'