b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political Forumpovertyaswell.Withouttheseresponsibilities, women and girls were now able to better use theirWeneededsomethingthatwouldinvolve time for education and economic opportunities. Aseveryoneandbringtogetherthedifferent partoftheprogramme,thewomenwhocommunities taking into account their different participated became more aware about what theycultural norms and practices. Tree planting and coulddotoaddressclimatechangewithintheirenvironmentalissuesingeneral,cutacross communities, and started to mobilise and empowereveryone, and the benefits are felt across the others.Workingwithover200womenandtheirboard, no matter the tribe, community, race or households, SI Eldoret was able to impact close tocolour. Additionally, women bore the greatest 1000 people in their community.brunt of the violence. We knew, if we could getthem on board to realise how climate change affectedtheirlivelihoods,thenthewhole community would change the way they look at theenvironmentadestroyedenvironment was not one they wanted to live in or bequeath their children. It was a project that cut across all genders,ages,andtribes,anddidnthave prejudices so it was easily adopted.Winnie Maru, President SI Eldoret, KenyaAiming to continue and keep building their work on CultureandPeace,SIEldoretnowintendsto develop capacity building programmes for women to enable them to be peace mediators, but also to ensure that they are able to recognise and report signsofconflictbeforeviolencebreaksout. Frequently, it is vital to address these early warning signs to prevent violence and to support work on promoting a culture of peace, tolerance and good governance.Clean Wellshealthy rural women: Ukraine, SI ChernihivByensuringsafe,cleanwaterprovisioninawhere they live, their age, their income, whether rural community, this project supports SDG3 onthey are displaced and other factors. Additionally, goodhealthandwellbeing,SDG5ongenderruralareasoftenhavepoorerfacilitiesandless equality, SDG6 on clean water and sanitation,infrastructure which impacts the quality of life of andSDG17onpartnershipsforsustainablethose living there. Seeking to support women living development. in rural areas, SI Chernihiv received request from village authorities to clean 80 wells which provide One in three women in Ukraine live in rural areas andmorewomenthanmencomprisetheruralwomen living in these villagesmany of whom live population.Ruralwomenoftenfaceintersectingbelow the poverty line, are elderly and disabledforms of discrimination based upon their gender,with their only source of water. As the wells had not29'