b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political Forum Live Your Dream Awards and COVID-19: Adapting our approach for sustained impactBy ensuring that women and girls are able toAdapting to COVID-19, the programme has had to accessandparticipateinhigh-quality,safefind new ways to identify participants, as previously education,theLiveYourDreamAwardsclubssupportingtheirscholarshipparticipants contributetoSDG4oneducation,SDG5onwould provide support in-person. Now, applications gender equality, SDG8 on decent work, SDG10andsupportmustabidebysocialdistancing onreducedinequalitiesandSDG17onregulations in place. Additionally, the relationships partnerships for sustainable development.with the educational institutions that participantsEducation and training remains a key tool to supportattend,aswellorganisationsthatprovidesocial all women and girls in achieving their full potentialsupport like shelters, are more important than ever.access and participation in safe education at allFurther supporting these services, Soroptimist Clubs levels remains critical and actions must be steppedoftenprovideongoingsupporttotheirpast up to realise the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda andrecipientsinthecommunity,spanningfrom to contribute to the eradication of inequalities. Thementoring, financial workshops, childcare, gifts for Live Your Dream Awards are education grants thatthe holidays, continued cash grants, and more. It is provide cash awards to women who are supportingstrong working relationships between organisations themselves and their dependents while attendingthat can ensure the necessary multifaceted support educationalprogrammesinover1,200women need is provided in a cohesive and effective communities around the globe, including in the US,waywhen these services act in isolation, the care Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, the Philippines,they provide is less effective and can contribute to Venezuelaandothercountries.TheLiveYourpeoplebeingleftbehindinsustainable Dream Awards are tailored to support women livingdevelopment efforts during COVID-19. Due to the inpovertybutwhoareexperiencingadditionaldisproportionateimpactofthepandemicupon obstacles and vulnerabilities including racism, teenwomen,intheformofincreasedcaregiving pregnancy and violence. Each year, more than 1,800requirements,decreasingeconomicopportunity, womenreceiveUSD2.8millioninfundingtoand decreased access to education, the Live Your supporttheireducationalgoalsthroughtheLiveDream Awards have taken on additional importance Your Dream Awards.as a mechanism to support women to ensure their owneconomicandsocialsecurityastheworld works to emerge from this pandemic. Live Your Dream Awards: ImpactThis Live Your Dream Awards data demonstrates how the Awards contribute to the SDDs, as well as the clear need to increase womens incomes and further improve access to all levels of education.70% of Live Your Dream Award recipients reported living in poverty on their application.79.6% of Live Your Dream Award recipients reported that their expenses exceed their income. Applicants from Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, the Philippines, and Panama have reported incomes of less than$1.25 a day.78% of Live Your Dream Award recipients who completed their education have higher paid employment. 84% of Live Your Dream Award recipients who completed their education increase their standard of living. Over half (54%) of recipients of the Live Your Dream Award have reported experiencing some form of violence.97% of recipients of the Live Your Dream Award reported living in a safe environment.94% of women who received a Live Your Dream Award report an increased self-esteem.22'