b'Soroptimist InternationalReport for the High-Level Political ForumLautoka Lockdown Struggle for New Mothers and Babies: Fiji SI LautokaAsthisprojectsupportedmothersandnew- travel significant distances to the hospital will come bornsduringaglobalpandemic,itsactionsprepared for two days of hospitalisation, but when contributedtoSDG3ongoodhealthandtheLautokalockdownwasannouncedwith wellbeing, SDG5 on gender equality and SDG17immediate effect those in hospital were unable to on partnerships for sustainable development.leavetheyhadnooptionbuttostayatthe hospital for the duration of the lockdown with their Likemanycities,Lautokawentintolockdown following cases of COVID-19. While this will havenewbornbabies.Roadblocksandcheckpoints been a challenge for all citizens, it posed a particularpreventedwomensrelativesfrombeingableto challenge to eleven new mothers and babies whobring essential items the women and their babies found themselves stranded at Lautoka hospital atneeded,andquicklythehospitalhadrunoutof the start of the 19-day lockdown. supplies.SI Lautoka immediately responded, stepping in to provide support and supplies necessary to care for youngbabies.Theyliaisedwiththehospitalto createashoppinglistofessentials,including diapers,babywipes,clothes,soapandother sanitaryitemsforthewomen.Whileallhealth services were stretched during the pandemic, this kindofcivilsocietysupportbecameessentialto ensure hospitals wereable to meet the needs of theirpatientsandcontinuetodeliverhigh standards of healthcare. The work of SI Lautoka, who were joined by another organisationintheseefforts,VeloveloKirtan RamayanMandali.Thesejointeffortswere recognisedbytheCivilSocietyOrganization HumanitarianCoordinatorfortheFijiCouncilof Social Services, Mosese Baseisei, who thanked SI for coming forward to assist these mothers who had become isolated from their support networks at a With many women living in rural and isolated areascrucial time in their lives. The Sister in charge of the in Fiji, it is common for pregnant women to travel tomaternity ward also highlighted that the pandemic the maternity departments in hospitals to have theirhadaffectedthementalhealthofthesenew babies,especiallyiftheyareidentifiedtohavemothers, and knowing that they were supported by higher risk pregnancies or if they are more likely tothe community provided emotional reassurances in have complications in birth. Usually mothers whoaddition to the essential supplies.18'